Free online Dictionary on all 84 Ethiopian Languages

A language that has a dictionary will not die.

Wachemo University glad to announce that  we have begun the process of developing   “ Free online  Dictionary on all 84 Ethiopian Languages on a single platform” to enable the people of this country and foreigners to know the most frequently used & most important words and their meanings related general, science, and legal . 

General  Dictionary : It has the collection of most frequently used & most important general words and their meanings to know in all 84 Ethiopian Languages.

Science Dictionary: It has the collection of most frequently used & most important science words and their meanings to know in all 84 Ethiopian Languages.

Business Dictionary: It has the collection of most frequently used & most important business words and their meanings to know in all 84 Ethiopian Languages.

Legal Dictionary : It has the collection of most frequently used & most important legal words and their meanings to know in all 84 Ethiopian Languages.